Bibliography on Over-Subscription/Partial-Satisfaction Planning/Scheduling


  1. Slides on “Expressive and Efficient Frameworks for Partial Satisfaction Planning”. Available at:
  2. Yochan-PS: PDDL3 Simple Preferences as Partial Satisfaction Planning” . J. Benton, S. Kambhampati and M. Do. Working notes of International Planning Competition, 2006. Deterministic Track
  3. IPPLAN: Planning as Integer Programming.” Menkes van den Briel, Subbarao Kambhampati and Thomas Vossen. Working notes of International Planning Competition, 2006. Deterministic Track.
  4. Planning with Goal Utility Dependencies” Minh B. Do, J. Benton and S. Kambhampati. To appear in IJCAI. 2007.
  5. Using Interaction to Compute Better Probability Estimates in Plan Graphs” Daniel Bryce and David Smith. ICAPS 2006 Workshop on Planning under Uncertainty and Execution Control for Autonomous Systems. 2006.
  6. Planning with Preferences and Trajectory Constraints by Integer Programming” Menkes van den Briel, Subbarao Kambhampati and Thomas Vossen. ICAPS 2006 Workshop on Preferences and Soft Constraints in Planning. 2006.
  7. Sequential Monte Carlo in Probabilistic Planning Reachability Heuristics Daniel Bryce, Subbarao Kambhampati, and David E. Smith, ICAPS, 2006.
  8. Oversubscription planning with metric goals.” J. Benton, Minh B. Do and S. Kambhampati. IJCAI 2005. (Here are slides from IJCAI talk) .
  9. Planning Graph Heuristics for Selecting Objectives in Over-subscription Planning Problems” Romeo Sanchez and Subbarao Kambhampati. ICAPS 2005.
  10. Partial Satisfaction (Over-Subscription) Planning as Heuristic Search.” Minh B. Do and Subbarao Kambhampat. Proc. of Knowledge Based Computer Systems (KBCS), 2004.
  11. Effective approaches for Partial Satisfation (over-subscription) Planning.” Menkes van den Briel, Romeo Sanchez Nigenda, Minh B. Do and Subbarao Kambhampati. AAAI 2004. (Here are slides from AAAI talk)
  12. Choosing Objectives in Over-subscription Planning”. David E. Smith. In Proc. of ICAPS-2004.
  13. “Planning with goal preferences and constraints.” Ronen Brafman and Yuri chernyavsky. In Proc. of ICAPS-2005.
  14. “The Next Challenges for AI Planning”, D. Smith. Lecture given at the Planet International Summer School, Madonna di Campiglio, Italy, June 2003. [powerpoint 20M]
  15. Plan Constraints and Preferences in PDDL3”. Alfonso Gerevini and Derek Long. Technical Report, Department of Electronics for Automation, University of Brescia, Italy, 2005.


  1. Zimmerman, T., Gallagher, A., and Smith, S. 2006. Incremental scheduling to maximize quality in a dynamic environment. Proceedings of the 16Th International Conference on Automated Planning & Scheduling. Cumbria, U.K.., June 2006.
  2. Zimmerman, T., Smith, S.F., Gallagher, A., Barbulescu, L., and Rubinstein, Z. 2006. Multi-agent management of joint schedules. In Proc. 2006 AAAI Symposium on Distributed Plan and Schedule Management, Palo Alto, CA, March 2006.
  3. Kramer, L. and Smith, S., 2006 Resource Contention Metrics for Oversubscribed Scheduling Problems, Proceedings 16th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS-06), June, 2006.
  4. Oh, J. and Smith, S. 2005. Calendar Assistants that Learn Preferences Persistent Assistants: Living and Working with AI. In Proc. 2005 AAAI Spring Symposium
  5. Zimmerman, T., Smith, S.F., 2005 Towards Integrated Planning & Scheduling: Resource Abstraction in the Planning Graph. Workshop on Integrating Planning Into Scheduling, 20Th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence., July. 2005.
  6. Kramer, L., Smith, S. 2005. Maximizing Availability: A Commitment Heuristic for Oversubscribed Scheduling Problems Proceedings 15th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, June, 2005. [Abstract] Download: pdf
  7. Smith, S.F. & Zimmerman, T.L. 2004. “Planning Tactics within Scheduling Problems”, Workshop on Integrating Planning Into Scheduling, 14Th International Conference on Automated Planning & Scheduling., June. 2004.
  8. Barbulescu, L., Whitley, D. and Howe, A.E., 2004. Leap Before You Look: An Effective Strategy in an Oversubscribed Scheduling Problem In the Proceedings of the Nineteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-04)
    Gzipped Postscript or PDF
  9. Smith, S.F., "Is Scheduling a Solved Problem?", Invited Keynote Talk, Proceedings First Multi-Disciplinary International Conference on Scheduling: Theory and Applications (MISTA 03), Nottingham, UK, August 2003.

Subbarao Kambhampati
Last modified: Fri Jun 15 10:29:11 MST 2007