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Lisp uses unix style pathnames [[ Re: CSE 471: Project 1 SampleWorking Code]]

Please not ethat Allegro CL uses unix style path names 

so to load a file f  on D: in directory dir, 
you have to say

(load "D:/dir/f")

and not (load "D:\dir\f")

if you use the backslash, Allegro ignores it and so looks for a file
named "Ddirf" which doesn't exist..

[Sep 14, 2003]

From: Nicholas Radtke <radtken@aztecfreenet.org>
Subject: CSE 471: Project 1 Sample Working Code
Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2003 14:42:42 -0700
Message-ID: <200309131442.AA1245446@www.dependanet.com>

radtken> Dr. Kambhampati,
radtken> The compiled code you provided for the ACL student
radtken> version seems to be corrupt.  Loading the file 
radtken> produces the following error:
radtken> Error: illegal code in the fasl file: #p"D:\\asu\\cse598cse471\\proj1\\sample-code-student.fasl"
radtken> [condition type: FILE-ERROR]
radtken> I'm not sure what the problem is, but I'm guessing
radtken> there is something wrong with the file.  Perhaps
radtken> you can offer some insight?
radtken> Thanks,
radtken> Nicholas