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A reminder! AI seminar at 3 PM, ERC 593 (fwd)

Hi all,

This is the reminder about the AI seminar tomorrow. I will present the
paper, which will also be presented two week from now in AIPS 2002
conference, about temporal metric planning with multi objective function.
The title of the paper is: "Planning Graph-based Heuristics for 
Cost-sensitive Temporal Planning" (Minh B. Do & Subbarao Kambhampati)

Real world planners need to be sensitive to the quality of the plans
they generate. Unlike classical planning where quality is
often synonymous with plans having least number of actions, in temporal
planning plan quality is multi-dimensional. It involves both temporal
aspects of the plan (such as makespan, slack, tardiness) and execution
cost aspects (such as cumulative action cost, resource consumption).
Until now, most domain-independent temporal planners have concentrated
solely on the former, ignoring the latter. In this paper, we consider the
problem of developing  heuristics that are sensitive to both makespan and
cost, and develop a planning graph-based approach for this purpose. Our
approach involves augmenting a (temporal)  planning graph data structure
with a mechanism to track the execution cost of the goals and subgoals.
Since the cost of achieving a goal  is dependent on the amount of
available time, we need to track the cost of a literal as a
{\em function} of time. We present a methodology for efficiently
tracking the cost functions, and discuss how they can be used as the
basis for deriving heuristics to support any objective function based on
makespan and execution cost. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this
general method for deriving cost- and makespan-sensitive heuristics in the
context of \sapa\, a forward chaining planner for metric temporal domains
that we have been developing.

See you all tomorrow.


PS: Meet at same locale ERC 593 --to the left as you come out of