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Friday's DBAI Seminar

Greetings and salutations!

Let's try to have a better turn out this week than what we had last week.
In fact, I'm sure attendance will be higher because this week we have Snehal
Kundalkar presenting on Data Streaming.  It's sure to be exciting!

The abstract of the talk is included below.

Remember, ERC 593 this Friday from 3-4pm.

See you there,



Abstract : Traditional database management systems software is built on the
concept of persistent data sets, that are stored reliably in stable storage
and queried/updated several times throughout their lifetime. In many new
applications however, data are commonly viewed as a continuous flow of
information, forming an infinite DATA STREAM. This view, challenges basic
assumptions in data management and query processing and raises several
fundamental question.  The goal of the presentation is to present the
foundations of the data stream model of computation and introduce
algorithms, techniques and problems arising in the context of Stream Data

Chris Mayer
Captain, USAF;
Ph.D. Student, Arizona State University
Computer Science and Engineering Dept.;
M.S. Computer Engineering '97, Air Force Institute of Tech
B.S. Electrical Engineering '92, Texas A&M University
