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Opinion Poll


I present the week after spring break.  I have two possible topics, both of
which I think are interesting and worthwhile.  I'd like your opinion on
which one you'd rather hear me talk about.  If you don't mind, please
respond with your preference.

Topic 1:  Data Caching and Content Delivery on the Internet.
I'll present a summary of current methods for replicating and delivering
data (mostly web pages and their associated content) located on what are
called "origin servers" to the consumer.  The talk will be in three parts.
The first part will look at caching and/or replicating copies of objects on
servers close to the consumer so that the consumer can have fast response
times.  The second part will cover ways of distributing consumer requests to
these servers.  Finally I'll talk a little about "content delivery networks"
which are more sophisticated versions of the caching and replication schemes
mentioned in the first part of the talk.

Topic 2:  Current Research
Here I'll talk about the latest research of Dr. Candan, Venkatesh Sangam,
and myself.  The research focuses on constraints, parameters, and techniques
for replicating large items on the internet.  We propose the use of a
"quorum system" to replicate items within the environment of a content
delivery network.  I will motivate the problem, discuss our approach, and
present experimental results.


Chris Mayer
Captain, USAF;
Ph.D. Student, Arizona State University
Computer Science and Engineering Dept.;
M.S. Computer Engineering '97 Air Force Institute of Tech
B.S. Electrical Engineering '92 Texas A&M University
