Learning Techniques in Planning

For a more up-to-date
version, check out the ICAPS 2007 Tutorial

In these lectures, I aim to provide an overview of the learning
techniques that have found use in automated planning. Unlike most
the clustering and classification tasks that have dominated the
recent machine learning literature, learning in planning
requires handling relational and first order representations, and
foregrounds the need for knowledge-intensive learning techniques.
I will start with a brief review of the planning models, and discuss
the opportunities for learning in planning. I will then provide a
survey of the explanation-based, case-based and inductive learning
techniques that have been successfully used to tackle them.
Audio of
lecture 1 [Feb 14 , 2006] (1hr 45min; 25MB)
Audio of
lecture 1 [Feb 15, 2006] (1hr 18min; 18MB)
(Video of the lectures) Learning techniques in Planning
Rao Kambhampati
4 videos
- A recent survey
article we wrote for the AI Magazine titled "Learning-Assisted
Planning" ( a copy of which is available here ).
Here is an earlier tutorial (by Veloso & Borrajo) on learning
methods in planning.
- Here is a resource list for papers and researchers in Learning for planning.
Subbarao Kambhampati
Last modified: Thu Sep 27 12:47:04 MST 2007