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Cumulative score


 To try and tally my subjective impressions to the class reality, I converted all the various grades into a
single total score out of 4.   In coming with this score,

*the letter grades were all converted into a number (using the usual A=4; B+=3.33 conversion);

*The test scores were converted into a score normalized to 4 as follows: Sum the students points on the two sanity tests
and the MLN sanity quiz; normalize them by the sum of max scores anyone got on those quizzes (it works out to 72.5--even though
the total possible is 103); multiply the fraction by 4. [in the following, th left most column is your test grade).

* Now that everything is in numerical form, I computed the "total grade" by giving 0.3 weight to tests/quizzes; 0.1 weight to my subjective
participation grade; 0.2 weight to the presentation of paper in the class and 0.4 weight to your final project. The resulting grade is shown in the
right most column.  Since the numbers are in the 1-4 scale, you can view them also as the lower bounds on your course grades.

Test grade    Posting ID    Total grade
3.94    2568-845    3.85
2.80    1373-106    3.50
3.61    5931-024    3.38
1.85    0564-127    3.18
1.93    6350-485    2.98
1.96    0168-180    2.65
2.52    7673-849    2.62
1.48    7516-893    2.61
0.73    6490-976    2.55
0.62    4130-438    2.12
1.09    0169-358    1.99
0.62    6288-175    1.95
1.09    5868-315    1.86
1.23    7218-487    1.77
1.17    0236-166    1.72

“When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meager and unsatisfactory kind; it may be the beginning of knowledge, but you have scarcely in your thoughts advanced to the state of science.”– Lord Kelvin

"When you can convert what you know into bogus numbers; you have bogus knowledge about it and you have advanced to a stage where you can develop all kinds of nifty looking EXCEL formulas to combine them, and plot them" --(wannabe) Lord  Rao