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Re: clarification questions..

think of a travel agent who find 5 possible travel plans, that differ
in terms of time of travel as well as cost. Which of these plans
should the agent show you? (we discussed in the class wrt
multi-objective optimization).


From: Srinivas Vadrevu <svadrevu@asu.edu>
Subject: RE: clarification questions..
Date: Sun, 09 May 2004 15:48:54 -0700
Message-ID: <200405092249.i49MnRQw026121@smtp.asu.edu>

svadrevu> Dr. Rao,
svadrevu> I have a question regarding Qn.5 in the first section regarding the mediator
svadrevu> system for international stock quotations.  5 plans were given with
svadrevu> attributes about coverage, response time and data freshness.  
svadrevu> In this question, I didn't understand what exactly you are asking for.  What
svadrevu> do you mean by 'to show user all plans that give qualitatively different
svadrevu> tradeoffs'?  Does it mean the sources that complement each other in terms of
svadrevu> their efficiency?
svadrevu> Thanks in advance for your help.
svadrevu> Srinivas.
svadrevu> -----Original Message-----
svadrevu> From: Subbarao Kambhampati [mailto:SUBBARAO.KAMBHAMPATI@asu.edu] 
svadrevu> Sent: Friday, May 07, 2004 10:08 AM
svadrevu> To: cse494-s04@parichaalak.eas.asu.edu
svadrevu> Subject: re: clarification questions..
svadrevu> I will be checking my mail pretty regularly over the weekend for any
svadrevu> clarification questions. 
svadrevu> rao