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some More on MDPs...

Here are some more factoids on MDPS..

 The "Value" function is also called "Cost-to-go" function in some

 The "horizon" is also called "stage" (finite horizon MDP is called
finite stage MDP)

Doing value iteration for finite-horizon MDPs

If you have a finite-horizon (stage) MDP with K stages then, 
you will have essentially K+1 different value functions.

U_0 (which is the value you will get if you can't do any more actions)

U_1 (which is the value you will get if you can do at most one action)

U_K (which is the value you will get if you can do at most K actions)

Now, it is clear that the Bellman equation is written in term of U_m
and  U_m-1

U_m(i)  = R(i) + max_over_a SUM M_i,j U_m-1(j)   (Eqn I)

We know U_0 for all states (this is just the immediate reward of the

So, using U_0, we can compute U_1, using U_1, we can compute U_2
etc.  and finally U_K. 

Once we have all these value functions, then, we can compute optimal 
policies for each of the stages (using the MEU principle).


Clearly, the infinite horizon MDP can be seen as a special case of
finite-horizon one, where you only have one stage-independent optimal 
value function. The U_m and U_m-1 in Eqn I will both be U*


[Sep 23, 2003]