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References from today's class

I added a couple of slides after the class to reflect additional discussion on semantic web/clustering/information extraction etc that we wound up doing.


ps: check out fifth entry on the following URL for the paper plagiarized from us by Messrs L. back, T. stock and G. Forward


Also, the citeseer uses the extracted citations to a lot of aggregate measures. The most important of which, for your information (especially if you are a graduate student), is the impact of various publication venues in CS (i.e., how many papers published in those conferences/journals are actually referred to by others).


(This list is automatically generated. If the conference/journal you are publishing in is ranked lower than (greater than) 300 or so, you should reconsider! If it is above 800 or so, you should drastically reconsider--nobody other than you probably read it ;-) Best to stay in venues below 100.

(Notice that there is another metric for publication venues--how *selective* the conference/journal is--ie. what percentage of submitted papers does it accept). Unfortunately, this is a less informative measure. You would be surprised, for example, at how few of the papers in many
so-called highly selective conferences are actually read and cited by anyone.
