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homework 4 solutions posted; acquired wisdom link posted
- To: Rao Kambhampati <rao@asu.edu>
- Subject: homework 4 solutions posted; acquired wisdom link posted
- From: Subbarao Kambhampati <rao@asu.edu>
- Date: Wed, 5 May 2010 07:33:37 -0700
- Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=gmail.com; s=gamma; h=domainkey-signature:mime-version:received:sender:received:date :x-google-sender-auth:message-id:subject:from:to:content-type; bh=qYhmIhjO6GzE+V7V5zi9qNCDbaFN4tcQo6quvT3MTiU=; b=DPTaWJOBh3UuRtFu1wNhrs1OgOxyIY5mXyLWGqDWy0KE9jD6uBsrVSqeA3ZGyJzJsV neksD6QpgRYS6YIi7ZAsaM6ilU3FEHrFKa/iqlGbUqbm6eHIsU/Uybvi3wBy5z8347xG 3AcD1ipPTpmOyvwKJYCvW2zcnR+dAwp32F2Yo=
- Domainkey-signature: a=rsa-sha1; c=nofws; d=gmail.com; s=gamma; h=mime-version:sender:date:x-google-sender-auth:message-id:subject :from:to:content-type; b=gq6xtfcuqUIjz8fImNISyCo2qoLsRAeGY5Xed2rzmjhkMVNXgtFVae2D6ZW6+2i4Ma M+VgwkGYSxhsytc94XWvxBcs3di/vbNWrMkIezGTK1cvbtSVv5/JdFi45iRElXlS8a0A b8AQ7KTmJwYrE4VJ4wIHCLUflVEsuDWycjeR0=
- Sender: subbarao2z2@gmail.com
The solutions for homework 4 are online.
I also put a link to the blog review of the course content (as posted by you) from the lecture notes section. I have read each one of them, and I would encourage you to do so yourself so you can get an idea of what you may have missed that others seem to have caught (or vice versa)
ps: Here is an interesting mini-project idea involving collaborative filtering to suggest ideas from course to students
1. Extract structured record from the postings
2. make an studen-topic matrix
3. Use collbaborative filtering to recommend, for each student, one or two topics that they might like because students
just like them seem to like those topics..