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[Thinking Cap Question]: Think of a world that never was and ask why not

[[[From time to time, I will send "thinking cap" questions on the class blog. The idea is that you
respond to the question with your thoughts on the blog (posted as a comment to the question).
This will count towards "participation" credit, but also allows you to share your class-related ideas with
other folks in the list.

As for how often you should feel compelled to respond vs. how deep your thoughts should be, I would use Woody
Allen's philosophy on quantity vs. quality, expounded in the context of a slightly different situation (start at min 3:30)

Here is the first thinking cap.
Post your answers to this "homework 1" question on the blog, so we can perhaps aggregate/discuss:


Think of and list 3 queries (or activities) that you would like to do on the
Web that the current day search engines (e.g. Google) don't quite

A quote to get you inspired:

"Some people see things as they are and say why? I dream things that
never were and say why not?"
-(Mis)attributed to Robert Kennedy
who paraphrased Bernard Shaw


post away

ps: David Bendit is the first to accept the invitation to the class blog. That kind of enthusiasm is usually grounds for either an A+ in the course or a piece of yummy candy (straight from the candy mountain).