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Cumulatives.. and interactive grading possibility ;-)

 Here are the cumulative totals.

As promised, I calculated cumulatives in several ways, and took max out of them as your effective grade.

The project cumualtive is calculated as 12points for each project (36 total) + 4 points for demo

The exam cumulative is calcualted as 20 points for each exam

The homework cumulative is calculated as 5+7+7+5 (hw1,hw2,hw3 and hw4 respectively)

Total standard was 40project+20homework+40exam

total+participation grade is the previous grade scaled to 90, and a 10% grade for participation

project heavy grade is  calculated as
  1. 50project+15hw+35exam
   2. scale 1. to 93 and add 7% participation grade

Total (max) is the max of the three cumulatives.

The complicated number to letter conversion will be done using a patented formula involving LSI, buck-shot and popularity ranking
over the weekend and reported to the registrar on Monday.  But I am sure you can
guess your grade (look for big drops in cumulative scores...  each big drop is a possible venue for letter grade  change).

Here is some first-round ballot information.
rounded Max Cumulatives >= 75 for 494 and >= 82 for 598 will definitely get As.

***I am willing to hear from all the definite As as to what should be reasonable grade cutoffs*** 

