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Re: A whole bunch of data on your relative standing in the class (IGNORE THE PREVIOUS ONE)

[The earlier version didnt have column headings so you won't know which column is which. This one does.]

 I am enclosing the current grade sheet so you can get an idea about your relative standing.

Notice that this mail is probably best seen on the class mail archive

The grade sheet includes your points for homeworks 1 and 2; exam; and projects 1 and 2.

Rather than just show the raw scores, I went ahead and scaled them with the following weights:

Projects 15% each (This is most likely going to change)

Exam  20%

Homewoks 5% and 7%

(These are nominal weights; I am open to pleadings on differnt weights--I normally compute your weighted score in many possible weight combinations--
exam heavy, project heavy, home work heavy etc, and take the best).

The current standings are shown w.r.t. to these marks.

The field "percentage" essentially shows what percentage of the 62 marks did you get.

Percentile shows your relative standing w.r.t. to the top ranker in your sub-category (494 or 598).

Extra credit points are placed separately as the last column.

The way these are computed is as follows:

midterm effective grade is max (in-class; .6*in-class+.4*athome)

Midterm extra credit is (midterm effective - midterm inclass)

These points are then scaled to 20---that is your midterm extra credit points

Project B extra credit is done as  (your extra credit points *15/100)

As I mentioned, I set grade cutoff thresholds without looking at extra credit part; if your cumulative + extra credit passes a threshold,
you get that grade.

(Are you confused enough?)

You are welcome to use the anonymous or other mail to make suggestions. ( http://rakaposhi.eas.asu.edu/cgi-bin/mail?rao )

We can discuss any and all questions about this in the class on Thursday.

ps: Grades are posted with respect to your ASU posting iD
