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Links from today's class

Here are a bunch of links to supplement the freewheeling class today..

By the way, I went ahead and added several slides to reflect the digressions we made today. check out the lecture notes.

SABRE system

 SABRE turns out to be the brainchild of American Airlines and IBM. Here is a CNN article on its history:


Check out http://www.maa.org/devlin/devlin_09_02.html to get a layperson idea about the complexity of
airline ticket pricing (and the story of how ITA software--the technology behind ORBITZ--works).
Here is a teaser:

You can get a sense of just how complicated the real situation is when you consider that with airlines offering thousands of different fares, with different sets of rules governing the different legs on each trip, if two people take a round trip together, with three flights in each direction, there can be as many as 1,00012, or around 1036, fare combinations. If you printed out a ticket for each possible fare, the pile would stretch all the way to the nearest star, Proxima Centauri, four light years way.


Keyword search in databases


Here is a powerpoint presentation:
(there is supposed to be a demo at www.iitb.ac.in/banks but the site doesn't seem to work


Stuff I have Seen project at Microsoft Research (this was hyped-up by Bill Gates at recent COMDEX, and is supposed to be
 integrated into LongHorn--the next release of dreaded windows OS:  http://enterprise-windows-it.newsfactor.com/story.xhtml?story_id=22701)

Stuff I have seen SIGIR paper (SIGIR is the top conference in Information Retrieval)

(here is a news article http://zdnet.com.com/2100-1104-997350.html?tag=nl )

If you want something like "Stuff I have seen" now, there are some commercial tools out there
 (I saw one the other day; I seem to have lost track of its URL and couldn't find it with Google--clearly need
    Stuff I have seen on my computer now).

 My Life Bits: more ambitious--considers scanned documents, voice, pictures etc.
  Needs lot more annotation..

  (My Life Bits is to Stuff I have seen as Semantic Web is to Information Integration..)

Lowell Database Selfstudy report


Rao wondering if anyone really clicks these links..