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Links from today's class---Xanadu, Vannevar Bush, automated tagging etc etc.

Vannevar Bush:

Here is a link on V. Bush's bio:  http://www.boxesandarrows.com/archives/foreseeing_the_future_the_legacy_of_vannevar_bush.php

Here is a link to the 1945 memex article where he basically conceptualized a pre-web..



I mentioned Xanadu and forgot the guy behind it. Ted Nelson is the man 
who started Xanadu project, which is considered the original hypertext 
project (started in 1960--way before arpanet ;-). His vision of
hypertext was much more sophisticated than the one that we have now,
but his vision stayed at the vision level unfortunately. Project
Xanadu has been called the longest running "vaporware" project
in the
history of computer science by less charitable critics.

The following link contains a short history of xanadu project (by
someone other than Ted Nelson)


For Nelson's own version of his project, look at 


The automated semantic tagging of web:

Here is the paper I mentioned which tries to boot-strap semantic web by extracting semantic tags from a
large corpus of documents. This paper got the best paper award in 2003 WWW conference. We may get to it much later
(but you should feel free to read it right now anyway).

(pdf version of the above is at http://www.almaden.ibm.com/WebFountain/resources/semtag.pdf )
