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Fw: project submission guidelines

Dr Rao,

I attached the project2 submission guidelines in this email.


On Mon, 23 Apr 2001, Subbarao Kambhampati wrote:

> Can you make up project submission guidelines, if any, and send them
> to me?
              Project2 Report

Electronic submission part:

Please submit your electronic copy to: Nie@cotopaxi.eas.asu.edu
    Subject: project2 submission
       1). your query and result files for task1 & task2;
       2). your database and SQL query files for task3 & task4 (optional)
    Email body: 
       1). your name and ID.
       2). explain your submitted items in the attachment.

Hard-copy submission part:
   1). The URL of your XML and DTD files;
   2). A hard copy of your DTD files;
   3). Describe your dtd, and simply explain your design;  
   1). A hard copy of your queries and results;
     ** We noticed that you can get office numbers from two data files: 
        OfficeHours.txt or Phonebook.txt. In order to simplify the problem,
        you can just use either one of the two files to query the office 
        number related queries, however you have to write in your report 
        which data file you used to answer the queries. 
     ** We also notice that nested queries are not supported by Niagara, so 
        you need not group the query results.
   1). Describe your schema, and simply explain your design;
   1). A hard copy of your SQL queries;
   1). XML and relational database 
   2). XML-QL(only the subset supported by Niagara) and SQL;
   3). XML-QL(the whole set) and SQL;