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Fw: exam shape

Dear Professor:
    Is the test harder or easier than the question you just excluded?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Subbarao Kambhampati" <SUBBARAO.KAMBHAMPATI@asu.edu>
To: <cse494-s01@asu.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 3:24 PM
Subject: exam shape

> Here are some more definite details.
> The exam will be openbook/open notes/in class
> There will not be any take-home portion to the exam.
> There will be about 15 short answer questions and about 4 longer
> questions with parts.
> I should be in my office tomorrow and can answer last minute panic
> questions if needed....
> Rao
> [Mar 20, 2001]
> Here is a short answer question I decided not to include. May be you
> can read the tea-leaves from it and guess what other question will
> We are doing an SVD analysis of a term-document matrix M of size KxD,
> where K << D.  What is the maximum number of non-zero singular values
> of M? Suppose we ignore L of the singular values and reconstruct an
> approximation M' of M. What will be the sizes (dimensions) of the M',
> U, S and V matrices?