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Some hints on the LSI question (HW 1.4)

In doing the LSI question, remember that the singular values are the square 
roots of the eigen values of the term-term and doc-doc correlation matrices 
MM' and M'M respectively (where M' is the transpose of the term-doc matrix M)

Given a non-square M (which is most likely the case), the correlation 
matrices MM' and M'M will be of different sizes, but they still will have 
the same number of non-zero eighen values.

You can use this to your advantage by computing the eigen values of the 
smaller matrix
(typically, if there are fewer terms than documents, then MM' --the term 
correlation matrix will be smaller).

Also, while eigen values can in general be positive or negative (or even 
complex conjugates),
the eigen values of  MM' and M'M are guaranteed to be >= 0 because these 
matrices are "positive definite" (thus you don't have the worry of hvaing 
to take square root of negative numbers).


Ps: for those of you curious folk..

notice that if M were a square matrix (num terms= num docs), then M can 
have two types of decompositions:

M = K L K-

  (where L is the set of eigen values of M, and K and K- are the matrix of 
eigen vectors of M and the invese of S respectively)

as well as

M = U S V'
  (which is the familiar singular value decomposition)

The first is the called the spectral decomposition and the second the 
singular value
decomposition. The SVD has the property that S will always be a diagonal 
matrix with
+ve diagonal entries, while the spectral decomposition may or may not have 
this property.

SVD and spectral decomposition of M will be the same only when M itself 
happens to be a
positive definite matrix (in fact, SVD was invented just to deal with the 
fact that not all
matrices are positive semidefinite, in addition to not being square).