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Call for Submissions, for the ICAPS-04 Workshop on

"Integrating Planning Into Scheduling"

At the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling 
(ICAPS), Whistler Canada, June 4, 2004


The topic of this workshop is the general question of how to integrate 
planning capabilities into scheduling algorithms and frameworks. It has 
been recognized for some time that classical planning and scheduling 
models are at opposite ends of a spectrum, with most interesting 
real-world problems falling somewhere in the middle and requiring 
characteristics of both.  Real "planning" problems tend to require the 
ability to handle metric quantities, overlapping actions with finite 
durations, and very often some notion of a resource model.  Similarly, 
most real-world scheduling problems are not "pure" scheduling problems 
- - i.e., concerned strictly with allocating resources to pre-specified 
activities over time. Even in venerable scheduling domains such as 
manufacturing, it is frequently necessary to solve something that looks 
very much like a planning problem, ranging in scope from simple 
selection among alternative processes (e.g., heterogeneous resource 
capabilities) to the synthesis of complex networks of resource 
configuration and support activities.   Historically, scheduling 
research has addressed such planning issues via specialized, 
problem-specific model and algorithm extensions.

The central theme of the workshop is that planning techniques are 
necessary to the solution of these problems, but must be integrated 
into scheduling algorithms and frameworks. To this end, the workshop 
seeks to bring together researchers interested in the intersection of 
scheduling and planning technologies to share perspectives, techniques 
and results on how to better solve scheduling problems with embedded 
planning sub-problems. Topics of interest include:

- - Frameworks for integrating causal reasoning into resource allocation 
and scheduling algorithms

- - Descriptions of scheduling problems  requiring embedded planning 

- - Descriptions of algorithms and implementation of features and 
components which add planning capabilities to the scheduling framework

- - Algorithms for partial order scheduling and their advantages and 
disadvantages in comparison to temporal planning frameworks

- - Techniques for reasoning about context-dependent tasks and resource 
setup and reconfiguration activities (e.g., ensuring the proper state 
of resources for correct schedule execution)

- - Proposals for the generation of an appropriate set of benchmark 
problems, similar to the current IPC domains

- - Arguments to the contrary (e.g., proposals for extending classical 
planning to address problems in which resources are primary).

Submission Instructions:  Prospective participants are requested to 
submit one of the following:

Full Paper - Technical papers are invited that address one or more of 
the workshop topics indicated above. Papers can be up to 8 pages in 
length. The first page of the paper should include the title, a brief 
abstract, and author names, affiliations, postal addresses, electronic 
mail addresses, and telephone and fax numbers.

Statement of Interest - Although first preference will be given to full 
paper submissions, we anticipate room for some number of additional 
attendees and request that other individuals interested in attending 
the workshop submit a one-page statement of interest.

Accepted full papers will appear in the workshop proceedings.  One 
desired outcome of the workshop is to produce a journal special issue 
on aspects of integrating planning into scheduling. Authors of accepted 
papers will be invited to submit expanded versions of their workshop 
papers for consideration in this special issue.

Authors are encouraged to submit papers electronically in postscript or 
PDF format. Papers should be formatted using the ICAPS conference style 
(see ICAPS 04 conference call).

Please send your submissions by email to mark.boddy@adventiumlabs.org 
no later than February 17, 2004 using the subject line "WIPIS-04 
Workshop Submission".

Important Dates:

Submission deadline: February 17, 2004
Notification of acceptance/rejection: March 16, 2004
Deadline for receipt of camera-ready copy: March 30, 2004

Program Committee:

Pauline Berry, SRI International
Mark Boddy, Adventium Labs (Co-Chair)
Amedeo Cesta, ISTC-CNR (Co-Chair)
Maria Fox, University of Strathclyde
Jeremy Frank, NASA Ames
Subbarao Kambhampati, Arizona State University
Philippe Laborie, ILOG
Stephen F. Smith, Carnegie Mellon University (Co-Chair)
Jean Paul Watson, Sandia National Laboratories

Version: PGP 8.0


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