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Fwd: CEAS teaching evaluations..

Dear all:

 As per the below, I encourage you to take part in the CEAS teaching evaluations.
I take the feedback seriously and particularly  pay attention to written comments on what worked and didn't.

Here is hoping for a 110% turnout ;-)


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: James Collofello <JAMES.COLLOFELLO@asu.edu>
Date: Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 12:09 PM
To: "DL.WG.CEAS.Faculty" <DL.WG.CEAS.Faculty@mainex1.asu.edu>
Cc: Ann Zell <ann.zell@asu.edu>



The Fall 2008 teaching evaluations became available to students today, Monday, Dec 1, around 10:00 a.m. and will close on Wednesday, Dec 10 (reading day) at 12:00 midnight.  Students will be able to access the evaluation tool at: https://fultonapps.asu.edu/eval

Please encourage your students to complete the evaluations or face several nagging email requests.  Good luck on your scores!


Chairs – please distribute this message to your faculty associates.






James S. Collofello

Associate Dean of Academic and Student Affairs

Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering

Arizona State University