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Current Cumulatives


 To give you an idea of where things stand, and also to catch  any errors in the current grade sheet, I am enclosing a current snapshot.

I combined the project/homework/midterm marks into a cumulative--currently I took midterm to be 20%, homeworks to be 5% each and projects
to be 10% each. Please note that this weighting is subject to change (I have, in the past, computed cumulatives with three or four different
weigtings and taken the maximum of those). Nevertheless, they will give you an approximate idea of your class standing.

Let me know if you have questions.


ps: The 598 students are listed first and then 494 students (separated from them). Each list is sorted in the descending order of cumulative.
      The "percentage" column shows the current percentage (i.e.  your current total out of 50, extrapolated to 100).
