Here is the link to the Montana history professor who took "sponsorship" from a burrito joint for his class:
(Check out "Wait Wait Don't Tell me" on NPR on Sundays if you want to be kept abreast of this kind of important news ;-)
Here is a thinking cap question:
The following are several "comparisons" between page rank and Authorities/hubs methods for computing page importance. Comment on whether or not these comparisons make sense.
1. A/H analysis is too costly because it has to be done for each query, while page-rank analysis, which can be done off-line and once for all queries, is much better.
2. page rank analysis is not as good in taking importance in the context of the queries, while A/H analysis is much better.
3. A/H analysis has major issues with stability (i.e., its ranking can change a lot with just small random changes to link structure), while page rank is much more stable.
4. Its all a bunch of ballyhoo, and underneath it all, A/H and pagerank both give same ranking of importance to all the pages.