Here are a few stats homework 1: Max: 40 Min: 27 Avg: 36.7 Stddev: 3.7 Overall, people did well on this first homework but I had a
few suggestions for future homework: ·
Make sure to show your work because without it, I
cannot tell how severe of a mistake has been made, and thus a wrong answer is
not likely to get partial credit. ·
For most of the questions (obviously not all),
some sort of explanation is expected (went easy on this for the first homework
but later homework will be more strict). If you have to compute an answer
for a question, it’s always good to include some text describing the
answer rather than just providing a number. ·
For the relevance feedback question, in the beta/|Dr|
and gamma/|Dn| part of the question, |Dr| and |Dn| are the number of relevant
and irrelevant documents respectively (not the norms of the relevant and
irrelevant documents). For question 3.4, where d4 and d6 are shown to the
user and the user clicks on d6 but not d4, keep in mind that |Dr| = 1 and |Dn|
= 1. Some people put |Dr| = 2 and I’m assuming this came from the 2
documents being shown to the user. However, just because the system
thinks the documents are relevant and thus shows them to the user, they are not
considered relevant in terms of the relevance feedback calculation, unless the
user says so. Some people may have answers which differ from those in the
slides for problem 3. I had sent out the updated doc-term matrix yet some
people used the matrix from the slides for answering the questions. If
you did this, I used the original matrix when grading your homework.
Please use any updated versions if they are sent out for future homework. Finally, the grading scale in the solutions are not the ones
I used. Here are the grading scale used for this homework. If you
have any questions or think something was graded incorrect, then please let me
know (but as I mentioned, I went a little easier on this first homework). Total Points 40 Q1.1 1 Q1.2 1 Q1.3 2 Q1.4 3 Q1.5 3 Q1.6 3 Q1.7 3 Q1.8 3 Q2.1 4 Q3.1 3 Q3.2 3 Q3.3 3 Q3.4 4 Q3.5 4 Garrett |