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[cse471] Proj-3 (Bayes Nets) grading scheme and distribution

Following is the grading scheme for proj-3 (Inference using Bayes nets):
Total: 42 + 6 (extra credit)
Part I:
1. 1 (bayes net picture) + 1 (.bn file) + 1 (monitored probability values)
2. 5 (1 for each probabiltiy value) + 3 (comments)
Part II:
1. 2 (.bn file)
2. 5 (propositional logic statements)
3. 3 (prob. values asked)
4. 2 (comments)
Part III:
1. 2 (bayes net figure) + 2 (.bn file) + 5 (1 for each probability value) + 2 (comments)
Part IV:
1. 1 (bayes net figure) + 2 (.bn file) + 2 (bayes net figure) + 3 (.bn file)
Extra Credit: 2 (Qn A) + 4 (Qn B)
Grade Distribution:
36.6(Avg)  42(H) 26(L)
36.3(Avg) 42(H) 21(L)
Please let me know if you have any questions.