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Re: CSE471: Project 1 Average branching factor

Average branching factor is the average number of children for each node.
So if you remembered how many children were returned by the children generator function everytime it was  called
and took the avearage value, then you will get avg bf.

if solution depth is d then effective bf is given by the equation

eb^d = #nodes expanded.


At 11:58 AM 9/27/2003, you wrote:


I'm a little confused on this statistic.  It would seem that the average
branching factor should be the number of expanded nodes divided by the
number of generated nodes.  But in you sample file that you have a
sample output gave

Num nodes generated: 99
Num nodes expanded: 36
Av branching factor 2.75

36/99 != 2.75 so I must be misunderstanding something.
