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Helping Don in Qn VI, Part 3

Regarding the question VI.3 on exam 2 (http://rakaposhi.eas.asu.edu/notes/f02-exam2.pdf ) , below:

VI.3 Don has been married to Mary for 20 years, and they have seen over 300 movies together. Mary however seems to agree with Don on only 80% of the movies (in terms of whether they were good or bad). Of late, Don has been carrying on with Roxy over at the office and they have seen some 20 movies together. Roxy seems to agree with Don a 100%.  Now, there is a new movie in town called “Gulf Wars: Episode 2: Clone of the Attack”. He hasn’t yet seen it, but both Roxy and Mary have and they have differing opinions. What does collaborative filtering method say he should do in this kind of scenario?

If you need help or inspiration, you can check out the poster for the movie at

