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On multiple weightings and participation credit--as well as attempts to quell grade anxiety..
Here are public answers to some questions I was asked..
1. Multiple weightings
Here are the weighting schemes I am thinking of using--whichever scheme
gives you higher cumulative will be the scheme you will have.
Standard scheme:
participation: 15
Homeworks: 20
Projects: 35
Exams: 30
Alternative 1:[Project-heavy]
Participation: 10
Homeworks: 20
Projects: 45
Exams: 25
Alternative 2:[Exam-heavy]
Participation: 10
Homeworks: 20
Projects: 30
Exams: 40
I am assuming that these three should pretty much cover everyone's needs.
If someone can think of other possibilities that will really show their
competence in this class better, feel free to suggest.
2. How is participation credit computed.
Particpation credit will have three components:
Component 1: Attendance
This is number of classes attended
Component 2: Particpation in the classs
This will measure such things as (a) were you awake (b) were you alert
(c) did you seem to follow
the lecture or were busy googling on your laptop (d) did you ask
questions, offer comments etc.
In trying to reconcile Component 1 and Component 2, I plan to use Woody
Allen's advice in Love and Death
"As for [...] quality counts more than frequency. Although if frequency
starts falling below twice a week,
I would definitely worry"
Component 3: Number of snide remarks made on Rao's poetry skills
This one is simple-- any snide remarks made will translate to about -20
points (and is mostly intended to teach Mr. Chung a lesson--no rhyming he
says. the pure gall.. but I digress).
3. Quelling grade anxiety.. (Read only if you are actually worried about
your grade etc.)
(a) no need to panic ( http://www.xs4all.nl/~keizee/images/Dont_panic.gif )
(b) I am not going to use pre-determined thresholds (so your getting less
than 70% cumulative doesnt necessarily doom you to a C). I am quite aware
that the course may be viewed, in some circles, as sort of may be
demanding--and I will try to fold that perception into account.
(c) To the extent possible, I will try not to give Ds to people who
attempted everything (I am willing to make the assumption that the Ds
already dropped out of the class).
(d) You can check out
http://rakaposhi.eas.asu.edu/s01-cse494-mailarchive/msg00155.html for grade
distribution from last offering to get a general idea.