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recapping the project discussion in the class

As per the discussion in today's class, this is to confirm that

(a) The project 1 is going to be due on Monday (nov 4th) in class
    instead of on Wed Oct 30th

(b) You are only required to submit tasks 0, 1 (vector space ranking)
    and 2 (LSI) + their evaluation + a report of your findings by Monday. 
      (c) I stressed the importance of evaluation (it is not enough to say
          that your code runs) and a report cleanly summarizing your
          findings. There will be significant credit for these. 

(d) Project 2 will be a continuation of project 1
    It will have at least the  following tasks

     A/H computation (the task 3 in the current version)
     Pagerank based page ranking (details to be given)
     Clustering of search results (details to be given)
     A reasonable GUI for you to show off your search engine. 

    The entire search engine project will be demoed at the end of the semester.

[Oct 28, 2002]