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CSE494 HW1 Question 2 clarification
Some of you lost points in HW1 for question 2 in Vector space model for
wrongly calculating the term weights:
Here is the formula given to you:
[TFik * log(N/nk)]
Wik = _______________
[sum [(TFik)^2 (log(n/nk))^2]]^1/2
Given 2 terms,"information" and "retrieval" term weights for ducument i
would be:
[TFi1 * log(N/n1)]
Wi1= _______________
[(TFi1)^2 (log(n/n1))^2 + (TFi2)^2 (log(n/n2))^2]^1/2
[TFi1 * log(N/n2)]
Wi2= _______________
[(TFi1)^2 (log(n/n1))^2 + (TFi2)^2 (log(n/n2))^2]^1/2
Those who miscalculated lost points. If you have questions reagrding
your points in HW, email me.