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IOC awards presidency also to Gore

(RNN)-- In a surprising, but widely anticipated move, the International 
Olympic Committee president just came on TV and announced that IOC decided 
to award
a presidency to Albert Gore Jr. too. Gore Jr. won the popular vote 
initially, but to the surprise of TV viewers world wide, Bush was awarded the
presidency by the electoral college judges.

Mr. Bush, who "beat" gore,  still gets to keep his presidency.  "We decided 
to put the two men on an equal footing and we are not going to start doing 
the calculations of all the different votes that (were) given. Besides, who 
knows what those seniors in Palm Beach were thinking?" said the IOC 
president.  The specific details of shared presidency are still being 
worked out--but it is expected that Gore will be the president during the 
day, when Mr. Bush typically is busy in the Gym working out.

In a separate communique the IOC  suspended Florida for an indefinite 
period from the union.

Speaking from his home (far) outside Nashville, a visibly elated Gore 
profusely thanked Canadian people for starting this trend. He also remarked 
that this will be the first presidents' day when the sitting president can 
be on both coasts simultaneously. When last seen, he was busy using the 
"Gettysburg" template in the latest MS Powerpoint to prepare an 
eloquent  speech for his inauguration-cum-first-state-of-the-union.


Related Sites:
   Gettysburg Powerpoint template: http://www.norvig.com/Gettysburg/