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DB/AI Seminar Coordination


Here's a run-down of the vitals for this semester's AI/DB seminar.
Presenters, please pay close attention to the schedule item below.

Time -----

We'll meet every Friday from 3pm to 4pm starting on 15 February.

Room -----

I reserved ERC 593 for the rest of the semester.  Sorry, I couldn't find a
room in GWC for more than a few weeks at a time.  Thought it was best to
lock in a permanent room.

Web Page -----

There is a DB/AI seminar page at http://rakaposhi.eas.asu.edu/aidb/.  I will
update the schedule and other info on the site soon.

Mailing List -----

Any seminar member can send e-mail to webdbai@parichaalak.eas.asu.edu.  The
message will automatically forward to everyone on the mailing list.

Schedule -----

Here's a copy of the schedule we worked out today.  I can't remember the
names of most the presenters.  So, I'd like the presenters to e-mail me at
chris.mayer@asu.edu with any changes to topic names and their let me know
their names.

Week    Date        Topic                       Presenter
------- ----------- --------------------------- ----------------------
1       15 Feb      Statistics stuff            ???
2       22 Feb      Parallelizing Plans         ???
3        1 Mar      Data Streaming              ???
4        8 Mar      Meta Cost or Image Mining   Deepak Kolippakkam
5       15 Mar      == NONE - Spring Break ==
6       22 Mar      Web Caching Techniques      Chris Mayer
7       29 Mar      XML Algebra                 ???
8        5 Apr      Memory Efficiency           Terry Zimmerman
                    in Planning
9       12 Apr      Temporal Planning           ???
10      19 Apr      Co-training                 ???
11      26 Apr      * No topic scheduled
12       3 May      == NONE - Finals ==

Will keep in touch,

Chris Mayer
Captain, USAF;
Ph.D. Student, Arizona State University
Computer Science and Engineering Dept.;
M.S. Computer Engineering '97 Air Force Institute of Tech
B.S. Electrical Engineering '92 Texas A&M University
