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Re: Reading for next tuesday's AIDB seminar (AI meeting)

I made 10 copies for the ECP paper and leave it on the table in the middle
of the lab. For the other one, people who are interested in reading it can
get the file eldelkamp-pddl.pdf in my home directory.


On Wed, 19 Sep 2001, Subbarao Kambhampati wrote:

> For next tuesday, we will be reading and discussing two papers by Stephan 
> Edelkamp on using pattern database heuristics for planning. The first paper 
> is about application to classical planning. The paper appears in ECP 
> proceedings. The second paper is supposed to be an extension of the 
> techniques to metric temportal planning.
> Binhminh and/or Romeo will make copies of the papers and leave them in the 
> AI lab by tomorrow (Thursday) evening.
> It would be good to have a volunteer who can summarize the paper with a 
> couple of slides before discussion begins.
> Rao