CSE 574 Planning and Learning Methods. Schedule Lecture: M,W, 3:15-4:30 (JWS 330A) Instructor: Subbarao Kambhampati Office: GWC 374 Telephone: 965-0113 E-mail: rao@asu.edu Office Hours: ;;to be determined. Will be on the class days.. Home page: http://rakaposhi.eas.asu.edu/planning-class.html Mailing list: planning-class@asu.edu One of the central problems in Artifcial Intelligence is that of planning--deciding a sequence of actions that can take an agent from a given initial state of the world to a desired goal state. This course will provide an introduction to the theoretical and practical aspects of AI planning and scheduling methods. It will cover various issues in representing and reasoning about actions and plans, existing architectures for synthesizing plans, and interactions between planning, learning and execution. It will also emphasize techniques for improving planning performance through a variety of speedup-learning methods. There is no required text book for this course. Readings will be drawn from a set of tutorial papers as well as conference/journal papers (see syllabus). Parts of the book "Artificial Intelligence: A modern approach" would be relevant to this course, and the book is thus recommended (not required). Online synopses of the class discussions will be put on the class home-page throughout the semester. Prerequisites: CSE471 -- Introduction to AI (or consent of instructor) Grading: Grades will be based on two exams, class participation, a set of homeworks and a project. The relative weights are: 1.Class participation (keeping up with readings, revising online notes) [~15% of final grade] 3.Midterm, Final [~40% of final grade] 4.Computer Assignments + Course project [~45% of final grade] Class participation involves attendance, active involvement in discussions as well as being part of weekly note-taking teams. Approximate Syllabus (see homepage for a more detailed syllabus): Course Syllabus 1.INTRODUCTION/MOTIVATION Dynamical systems Planning vs. Scheduling Action and Plan Representation overview of approaches 2. Classical PLANNING APPROACHES Conjunctive Refinement Planning State-space planning Causal-Link Planning, Task reduction planning Disjunctive refinement planning Graphplan, SATPLAN, Blackbox Transformational planning Unified Frameworks Planning as Refinement Search 3. CONSTRAINT SATISFACTION & SCHEDULING CSP problems Enforcing local consistency Dependency directed backtracking Explanation-based Learning 4.CONTROLLING SEARCH IN CLASSICAL PLANNERS Static Search Control, Loop pruning, Abstraction Operator graphs, Greedy regression graphs, relevance analysis Domain Analysis; Constraint propagation 5.LEARNING TO IMPROVE PLANNING PERFORMANCE Learning Control Rules Case-based planning: Reuse/Replay/Retrieval 6.INTERACTING WITH THE ENVIRONMENT Sensing and Incomplete Information, Conditional Planning Interleaving planning & Execution 7. EXTENDING THE REPRESENTATION Handling time Handling metric 8. Stochastic and Decision Theoretic Planning Probabilistic planning Sequential decision problems and Markov decision processes Reinforcement Learning 9.PLANNING APPLICATIONS Planning in the Physical World, Robotics and Path Planning Assembly Planning Process Planning Planning for Software Agents Softbots Information Gathering