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Thinking Cap Questions: Planning

See if you can crack some of these...

[0.][Don't ask why something is bad. Ask why it is not worse?] We said that regression searches in the space of partial states or "sets" of real world states. We also said that there are
3^n such partial states (where n is the number of state variables). However, given that there are actually 2^n complete states,
there should be 2^{2^n} distinct sets of states. How come regression is searching in only 3^n of them? (Notice 3^n is hugely better
than 2^2^n).

[1] One thing that I left unsaid w.r.t. planning graph based heuristic computation is how many layers the planning graph should be expanded. Can you see a natural place to stop expanding?
????? Also, if you are too lazy to go all that far, can you think of how the heuristic will change if you expanded it a little less farther than is needed?

[2]Suppose the actions have differing costs (i.e., they are not all equally costly). Can you think of how planning graph based heuristics will behave in that case? (how does your answer to 1 above change?)

[3] In all the actions we looked at, we assumed that the effects are unconditional. That is, the action will give all its effects once it executed. Consider modeling the action of driving a bus from tempe to LA
The requirements for the driving are that the bus is originally in Tempe (and that there is a driver). The "unconditional" effects of the action are that the bus will be in LA, and the driver also will be in LA.
Now how about anyone else who is in the bus? Suppose Tom is in the bus when it is in Tempe--Tom will be in LA after the action. And yet, Tom being in the bus is not a requirement of the bus taking off. In
these cases, the effect of tom being in LA is a "conditional effect" ---if Tom is in the bus before the action, then Tom will be in LA after the action.? How do you see progression and regression changing
in the presence of conditional effects?


ps: if you are curious about planning graph heuristics, check out