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*Important*: Policies regarding skipping lectures..

Dear all:

 I just wanted to remind everyone about the policy regarding missing classes that I had already stated explicitly in the
first class; for both the students and the instructor of this class:

1. attendance in lectures is mandatory

2. If you must miss a class due to extenuating circumstances, you are expected to send me an email letting me know (I will do the
    same if I have to miss). 
The availability of lecture notes and audio online as should not be misinterpreted as   a sign of flexibility on my part about class attendance.
The only flexibility you have is whether to stay in the class or drop it (not unlike  the epistemological commitment made by non-fuzzy-logics :)

If it helps, please note that I do have statistics on attendance--in terms of unclaimed home-works, as well as occasional attendance sheets.
In today's class about eight students--who are apparently still registered for the class--were missing; only one of them
sent me a courtesy mail before the class letting me know they would be missing the class.


  "do or do not; there is no try"