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Fwd: office hours before midterm

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Subbarao Kambhampati <subbarao2z2@gmail.com>
Date: Mar 28, 2007 9:23 AM
Subject: office hours before midterm
To: Nanan <nanan9177@gmail.com>

I will be available between 3-4pm today for any consultations. I will also
be available between 1-2pm tomorrow. If I am in my office at other times, you are
welcome to ask me questions.


On 3/27/07, Nanan <nanan9177@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Dr. Kambhampati,
Will you hold office hours for midterm exam? Thank you.
Plus, what is the meaning of "A moment of order m exists only if r>m+1"?

Mean is considered the first moment, and variance the second moment etc of a statistical distribution
You can define higher order moments in terms of cubes etc.

Best Wishes,