Complexity, Decidability and Undecidability Results for Domain-Independednt Planning & Serializability Papers: "Complexity, Decidability and Undecidability Results for Domain-Independent Planning", K. Erol, D. Nau, V. Subrahmanian. "A Candidate Set based analysis of Subgoal Interactions in conjunctive goal planning", S. Kambhampati. Optionally "Characterizing Subgoal Interactions for Planning", A. Barrett, D. Weld. Notes by Jay Noh Complexity (in approximate order of difficulty) - P, NP - NP-complete - PSPACE-complete - EXPtime, NEXPtime - EXPSpace, NEXPSpace Basic Definitions - Planning Operator a is a 4-tuple (Name(a), Pre(a), Add(a), Del(a)) where Name(a) is the name, Pre(a) is the precondition list, Add(a) and Del(a) are the add list and delete list of a. - Planning Domain is a pair P=(S0,O) where S0 is the initial state, and O is a finite set of planning operators. - Language of P is the first order language generated by the constant, function, predicate, and variable symbols appearing in P, along with an infinite number of additional variable symbols. - Goal is a conjuction of atoms that are existentially closed (they are quantified). - Planning Problem Instance is a triple P=(S0, O, G) where (S0, G) is a planning domain and G is a goal. - "a" is theta-executable if executing a results in state S' when starting from state S. Two decision problems: - Plan Existence Given a planning problem instance (S,O,G), is there a plan in P that achieves G? - Plan Length Given a planning problem instance (S,O,G) and integer k encoded in binary, is there a plan in P of length k that achieves G? Note: This problem itself is not interesting since it is a decision problem. The more interesting problem is the optimization problem that finds the shortest path. Boundedness - Level Mapping for a language L is a mapping l:AT(L)-->N where AT(L) is the set of ground atoms in L and N is the set of natural numbers. - Predicate Level Mapping for L is a mapping #:Pred(L)-->N where Pred(L) is the set of predicate symbols in L. - P is Atomically Acyclic if and only if there exists a level mapping l such that for any ground instance a of operators in P, it is the case that l(A) > l(B) for all A in Add(a), B in Pre(a). - P is Predicate Acyclic if and only if there exists a predicate level mapping # such that for all operators a in P, it is the case that #(p) > #(q) for all predicates p occurring in Add(a) and all predicates q occurring in Pre(a). - Some goal will have an upper bound on the levels of ground instances of the goal. Then, the goal will be Bounded. This puts a bound on the length of the plan, and thus cause planning for such goals in such domains to be decidable. Decidability Results - If function symbols are allowed, plan existence is undecidable in general. - When no delete lists or negative preconditions exists, plan existence is decidable. - If no function symbols (has only finitely many ground terms), then plan existence is decidable. Complexity Results Plan Existence - If no restrictions, then EXPSpace-complete. - If no delete lists, then NEXPtime. - If no delete lists and no (-) preconditions, then EXPtime. - If each operator has at most one precondition, then PSPACE. Plan Length - If no delete lists and no (-) preconditions, then NEXPtime - If each operator has at most one precondition, then PSPACE. - If fixed set of operators and can be described with STRIPS operators, then PSPACE, and there exists such domains where planning is PSAPCE-complete. Other Obsevations - Conditional operators don't affect the results. (conditonal operators are useful only when we have incomplete ifo about the initial state). - Complexity in the datalog case is a level harder than the propositional case. - Regardless of (-) preconditions, Plan Length has same complexity. How to handle enabling-condition interactions is the reason. - Delete lists are more "powerful" than (-) preconditions. If delete lists are allowed, (-) precondition doesn't affect complxity. Definitions in refinement planning - IPC (interval preservation constant) A 3-tuple (t,p,t') such that condition p be preserved between t and t' in every ground linearization of the plan. - PTC (point truth constraints) A 2-tuple (p,t) such that condition p be true before step t. - CC (contiguity constraints) t1 * t2 such that no step intervene between t1 and t2 in any ground linearization of the plan. - Prefix Plan If all the plan except t(inf) are all contiguos. - Suffix Plan If all the plan except t(0) are contiguos. - Protected Plan Has IPC to protect the subgoal as well as every precondition of every step of P. Subgoal interaction - Mergeability A plan P1 for achieving a goal g1 from an initial state I is mergeable with respect to a plan P2 for achieving goal g2 if there is a plan P' that achieves both g1 & g2 (from the same initial state), and <> ^ <> >= <>. The plans are said to be simple mergeable if the minimal candidates of P' are not longer than the sum of the lengths of the minimal candidates of P1 and P2. - Serial Extension A plan P for achieving g1 from a given initial state I is serially extensible with extensible with respect to a second goal g2 if there is a plan P' that achieves g1 & g2 from I, and <

> >= <>. - Mergeability implies Serial extensibility, however, the reverse is false. Subgoal Independence - Serializability Two subgoals g1 & g2 are serializable with respect to an initial state I if there exists a permutation "pi" on the the subgoals, such that every protected prefix plan P1 for the first subgoal "pi"[1] can be serially extended with respect to the second subgoal "pi"[2]. - Subgoal Independence Two subgoals are independent if optimal plans for both subgoals can be obtained by merging separately produced optimal prefix plans for the two subgoals in any order. Korf's Subgoal Heirarchy - Any arbitrary goal can be classified as: - Serializable - Trivial Each subgoal can be solved sequentially in any order. - Independent The subgoals can be solved in ANY order. - Laborous There exists just 1/n orders where the subgoals cannot be solved. - Non-serializable - Trivial serializability of a domain D in a planner implies that D is tractable. However, even though we have tractable domains, we cannot find planners that are tractable. Open problem - How does the notion of serializability apply to Graphplan? (although serializability is domain independent, it is planner dependent) -- Jay Noh