Notes on planning using Plan Graph Analysis Prepared by: Xiuping Yang. Revised by: Rao Kambhampati [Oct 15, 1995] Graphplan details: Graphplan is a new approach to planning problem in STRIPS-like domains, it is based on the paradigm of Planning Graph Analysis (PGA) which takes the initial conditions, domain information, and notion of time to construct a leveled graph.Then this graph is explored to find a valid plan or state that no plan exists. Graphplan always returns a shortest partial-order plan. Definitions and Notations: . NO-OP action: the "doing nothing" action is noticed as no-op action . VALID PLAN: a valid plan for a planning problem consists of a set of actions and specified time-steps with the requirement that the actions at a given time step be independent, and finally it must make all the Problem Goals true at the final time step. Here "independent" means that no two actions could interfere each other at a single time-step such as deleting the ADD-Effects or the preconditions of the other's. . Planning Graphs It is a directed, leveled graph with two kinds of nodes (action nodes and proposition nodes) and three kinds of edges (precondition edges, add- and delete-edges) . Exclusion Relations This relations are propagated when the graph is created. Two actions at a given action level in a planning graph are mutually exclusive if no valid plan could possibly contain both. Two propositions at a given proposition level are mutually exclusive if no valid plan could make both true at that time step. Specifically, the following two ways are used to find the exclusion relations among actions: (1) [ interference ] For action a and action b, if either of them delete a precondition or ADD-Effect of the other. (2) [ Competing Needs ] If there is a precondition of action a is mutually exclusive with a precondition of action b in the previous proposition level. Similarly, for propositions P and Q, if all ways of creating them are exclusive, then they are mutually exclusive. Notice: THere are two ways "progress" is made in planning as plan-graph is being constructed. First, the newer proposition levels may contain more propositions than the previous ones (a proposition level i must contain all the propositions in level i-1 anyway because of the no-op actions). Second, mutual exclusivity among propositions has to monotonically reduce as the plan graph is expanded. In particular, two propositions P and Q may start out being mutex in the initial proposition levels, and become non-mutex as plan-graph is expanded. Once they become non-mutex however, they can never become mutex again. Exclusivity is reduced along with the increaing of the length of the Graph. DESCRIPTION of the ALGORITHM Generally, the algorithm runs in stage. In stage i, it takes the plan graph with length i-1 from stage i-1, then extends it one time step, generate next action level and the following proposition level, then search this extended graph to see if a valid plan exists or no goals can be achived in time step i. (1) Extending the Planning Graph Put the initial conditions as the first proposition level of the graph, generate the next action level in this way: for all actions which have non-exclusive preconditions in previous level, insert action nodes, then insert all the no-op actions and all the precondition edges. Then check and record the exclusivivity among nodes. generate the next proposition level in this way: put all the ADD-Effects of the actions in the previous level in the next level as propositions, insert the add-edges and delete-edges Then check and record the exclusivity among nodes. (2) Searching for a plan The general idea is that if the top level goals appear at a proposition level i, then it is POSSIBLE (but not necessary) that there is a plan of i steps long that will be able to achieve the goals. Since we are not really sure if this plan exists, we need to do some backward analysis to check if it does. This is done by a backward chaining strategy. Using a backward-chaining strategy, the idea is if the subgoals at time t-1 could be achieved, then the original goal could also be achieved at time t. METHOD: for each goal in a given set of goals at time t, for each action generating that goal, select it if it is not exclusive with those already selected. If no actions are available then back up to the previous goal. Once finished with all the goals at time t, the preconditions to the selected actions make up the new goal set at time t-1. Graphplan then recursively continues this procedure at time t-1. At This process succeeds if we reach stage 0 corresponding to the intial state (at which point the subgoals that we need to make true at stage 0 will be part of init state). The mutual exclusion relations improve the efficiency of GRAPHPLAN because the search space is pruned and reduced. Memoing: We note that the plan graph is prefix-static, in that as the plan graph of i-stages is expanded, the existing i-stages don't change. This means that any processing/queries we answered at stage i can be cached/momoed so that we can reuse them if they get posed again in the future. In particular, suppose you tried to see if g1, g2,... gn are satisfiable at stage i, and the backward chaining strategy failed. We know that we have to continue plan-graph expansion forward. We also know that if ever, in the future, someone tries to check whether certain goals are true in the plan-graph at stage i+m, and that in turn converts into a query that contains (among other goals) at stage i, then the query WILL FAIL. To make sure we realize this, we remember each of the failed goal subsets are stored at each stage. MAKING GRAPHPLAN COMPLETE The above basic algorithm is only weakly complete because while the algorithm terminates when a plan exists, if no valid plan exists, the algorithm doesn't know when to terminate. [Of course, the plan-space planners that we studied till now are also only weakly complete since they are searching in infinite plan spaces and may never terminate if there is no solution.] To make graphplan complete, we first introduce "level off" of a graph. As we know, Plangraph is used to solve STRIPS-domain problems which have only finite ground operators such that can only produce finite propositions. [[From the state-variable representation of the world we discussed earlier, this means that the world is representable with a finite number of state variables, each of which have finite domains.]] If no valid plan exists for a planning problem, we can believe that at some time in the future, the "level-off" will occur in the Plan Graph -- the adjacent two levels have the same size of the propositions *and* have the same mutual exclusion relations among them (the later is also important, since as we noted earlier, progress continues as long as the mutex relations reduce). Once the graph has levelled off, if the current proposition list does not contain some goals, of if they appear, but some of them are marked mutually exclusive in the current set, then we can terminate with failure. Although this is the most normal way for unsuccessful termination, Blum and Furst point out that this is not sufficient. That is sometimes the problem is unsolvable and the tests above won't recognize this since the goals are not marked mutex at the current level. Blum and Furst provide a more involved test that considers the set of failed goal sets at stage i which are generated due to a backward chaining originating at stage n (> i) and are thus memoized. Suppose there exists a stage i such that G-i-n is equal to G-i-(n+1), and n is a stage after level-off. In this case, we can conclude that this problem is not solvable since the backchaining from n as well as n+1 are giving rise to the same failing goal subsets, meaning that there are no new paths in the plan graph being explored. Although this test makes intuitive sense, it is not clear to me (Rao) as to when it would really be needed. It would be nice to come up with an example problem where the more obvious termination tests won't work, and this more involved check is needed.