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"read" for tomorrows class: Xquery demo and tutorial links

We will discuss Xquery tomorrow. Since it is a query language, it makes vastly more
sense if you look at the examples and play with them first rather than me going through
some cases drily. I suggest you look at (at least one of):

a short tutorial (parts of which I plan to use in class)

(Here is a prose tutorial that may be easier to read:
 http://media.datadirect.com/download/docs/ddxquery/tutorial_query.html  )

http://www.cogneticsystems.com/xquery/xquery.html for a hands on demo (only 7 types of queries)


ps: A better xquery demo is at http://tamino.demozone.softwareag.com/demoXQuery/XQueryDemo/index.jsp
but it doesn't seem to be working fully.

Also the bible for Xquery is http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery/

(unfortunatley it is almost as long..)

If you are trying to compare Xquery and other query languages such as SQL, the following chapter may be useful:
