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Data Set Selection (JMLG paper)


 here is the link to the paper on data set selection problem:


This paper was the Winner of the "Most original submission" Award: NIPS-2002

Here is a link to the actual presentation at the conference banquet (in mpeg form)


Data Set Selection
Doudou LaLoudouana and Mambobo Bonouliqui Tarare; 1(Apr):11-19, 2003.
Winner of the "Most original submission" Award: NIPS-2002
[abs] [pdf] [ps] [ps.gz] [mpeg] [djvu]
We introduce the community to a new construction principle whose practical implications are very broad. Central to this research is the idea of improving the presentation of algorithms in the literature and making them more appealing. We define a new notion of capacity for data sets and derive a methodology for selecting from them. Our experiments demonstrate that even not-so-good algorithms can be shown significantly better than competitors. We present some experimental results, which are very promising.