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Re: Some questions.

 Finally, a question on general subject.  Can you please point me to the source of most recent papers on planning and machine learning on the web? 
What source/sources is/are considered to have the state of the art research?  What is your favorite source?  I'd like to stay current on these subjects.

The best papers on planning appear in ICAPS (which used to be AIPS and ECP), AAAI and IJCAI.  Learning papers appear in ICML, NIPS,  AAAI/IJCAI.
You can get the names of the papers from conference websites (e.g. google AIPS 2002 to get AIPS 2002 papers). In some cases, the papers are available at the conference site. More often, you will have to plug in the paper/author name into Google to get a private copy (probably stored on the author's page or at citeseer).

Best journals are JAIR, AIJ and JMLR
