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[An LSI Infomercial.. ;-)] Fwd: Some initial results of application of information retrieval techniques to image retrieval

Date: Sat, 21 Dec 2002 11:58:05 -0800 (PST)
From: Kanav Kahol <kkahol@yahoo.com>
Subject: Some initial results of application of information retrieval
techniques to image retrieval
To: rao@asu.edu

Dear Sir

As i had said in class i was very inspired by the information retrieval techniques and wanted to apply it to content based images retrieval.

IN our lab we had collected data on defining images in terms of keywords. SO for e.g. an image of mountains could be marked by words snowy, flaky forest etc. so we had 94 images of natural scenes and we collected data on what keywords represent an image.

simultaneously through some unfortunate souls we collected data on which imaghes is most similar to which. so a person came in took one of the 94 images and told us the top 20 similar images. (parallel i guess with relevance feedback where we ask user what is relevant).

So now we had a document for each image + subjective measure of images most similar to it.

Before this class all we used to do is take dot products of keywords for every image to find dot product measure. What we found was that the words assigned to image lined up pretty well with subjective similarity.(Say for image 1 we had words forest snow and for document 2 the words were forest river there dot product will be [1 1 0]*[1 0 1] which is 1. )

For me the blessing was this course. now i took this data of 94 images(each having 98 keywords) and put in a term-document matrix. ONly this is know term-image matrix.

As a check up I performed LSI on this. And here is the exciting part. Only 20 dimensions compared to 98 were now needed. While this is good here is more exciting part for me. Actually the 20 dimensions are lining up 20 concepts in language. For e.g. one of the dimension was actually a weighted combination of all the words related to forests. while another one was similar to river water related words.

What this reduced dimensionality lining up with definable concepts or dimensions does is instead of tell people to define 98 words is just define vague concepts and still be able to retrieve images.

While going from images to words sutomatically is still an big image proceesing issue what this analysis gives us is a good measure of how much we can do with this theory.

I must say i am surprised with the results and will continue to probe in this . []

