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***Important*** Qn 2 on Hw3 changed..

Hrishikesh pointed out that some of the queries I asked you to write on Xquery will not work because of DTD problems
(because price is defined as pcdata, and books have prices listed both as "65.95" and as " 65.95" (see the leading space in the later case)). So, I did some changes to Qn 2.

1. There is a hint on how to do the comparison in Query 1

2. Query 2 is now changed to look for pairs of books published by the same publisher

I also added an extra credit group-by version for query 2.

I am attaching the new version here. It is also available on the web.

In this question, you will use the Xquery interpreter available at

to try out writing queries in the Xquery language.. 

For each of the queries below, show the xquery query, as well as the
result you got by running it. 

Query 1.(Selection/Projection) Using bib.xml
(http://www.bn.com/bib.xml) database, list the titles and authors of
all the books that cost less than 50$.

[[NOTE: since the prices of the entries are typed as PCDATA, and some
of them have leading spaces (e.g. "65.95" vs. " 65.95"), to do get
correct answer here your comparison should look like
  ..price < " 50.00" (notice the leading space before 5)

(extra credit: Try query 1, but list titles and the last name of the
second author. Hint: Look at the queries in "Usecase Sequence" in the
left pane).

Query 2.(Join)[**CHANGED**] List the pairs of books which are
published by the same publisher. The output should look as follows:

  book1 title
  book2 title

(make sure to ensure that book1 and book2 are actually different)

[[I gave up the 'same price' comparison because of the price
comparison problems listed in query 1.]]

(Extra Credit: This time, group books by the publisher. I.e. have
<publisher name="publishername">
 <title> booktitle </title>
 <title> booktitle </title>
<publisher name="publishername">
 <title> booktitle </title>
 <title> booktitle </title>
Query 3.(text search) List all the books that contain the word "web" (see the
example 1 in use case Text)

Query 4. (reformatting) Convert the bib.xml to the following format

<nbook title="Data on the Web" price=39.95>

(extra credit:) write a DTD for this reformatted file.