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regarding tomorrow's exam

=====Rules regarding what you are allowed to bring in:

You _may_ bring in your notes, copies of my lecture notes, the readings
as well as your homeworks and my solutions. [Notice the _may_. You
don't _have_ to bring anything]

====Rules regarding calculators:

You will definitely not be allowed to use any calculator that allows
matrix manipulations. 

I may allow normal scientific calculators--that allow sqrt, and log
etc. (I may also, depending on how the exam turns out, disallow
calculators all together). 

=======Rules regarding doing the exam again at home (with excruciating detail)

By the end of the in-class exam tomorrow, if any of you feel that you
did not do as well as you expected because of the time pressure, you
are welcome to re-do the exam at home and bring it to Monday's
class. My normal practice is to use a formula of this type in
computing the midterm grade:

 your marks = Max (your-in-class-marks,
                     (w* your-in-class-marks + (1-w)*your-at-home-marks))

(w is some constant between .6 and .8 depending on my mood).  Thus,

you can never do worse than what you did in class, and so this thing
is completely optional. 

Moreover, the additional marks if any that people get by doing the test at home
will be counted as "extra credit".

(so if you got 30 in class, and 60 at home, and I used w=.8, your
weighted marks would have been 24+12=40, which is an increase of 10
points on your in-class performance. These 10 points will be
considered extra credit for you.)

[Since the final grade cutoffs will be determined without extra credit
points, this should handle the worries of people who don't have time
to do the at-home version, but are worried if they may be affected by
the "curve"].

The at-home-version of the exam will be graded by the TA. 

If you are doing it, you need to state on the paper that you will need
to declare on the paper that you have not discussed the exam between
the time 

[Oct 22, 2002]