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added a slide on keyword search in databases to the class notes

Since I discussed this stuff in class today, I went ahead and added a slide on them. You can try out the link
http://www.cse.iitb.ac.in/banks/Search which shows a keyword search interface to DBLP database.

ps: DBLP is a frequently updated database of all papers in database area (talk about the narcissism ;-)

        Link analysis algorithms—HITS, and Pagerank—are not limited to hyperlinks
-       Citeseer/Cora use them for analyzing citations (the link is through “citation”)
-       See the irony here—link analysis ideas originated from citation analysis, and are now being applied for citation analysis 
-       Some new work on “keyword search on databases” uses foreign-key links and  link analysis to decide which of the tuples matching the keyword query are most important (the link is through foreign keys)
-       [Sudarshan et. Al. ICDE 2002]
-       Keyword search on databases is useful to make structured databases accessible to naďve users who don’t know structured languages (such as SQL).