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Prof. Louiqa Raschid of University of Maryland to talk at this friday's AIDB seminar

  This friday, instead of Chris Mayer's long anticipated talk, we will be 
hearing from Prof. Louiqa Raschid of University of Maryland, College Park.

Prof. Raschid works in various Database/web related areas including 
web-based data integration, and she is visiting us, in part to serve on 
Nie's proposal on Friday. She plans to give an informal presentation on her 
ongoing work
(perhaps related to  their SIGMOD 2002 paper).

You can get an idea of her research by visiting her homepage at


Hope to see you all there (there being ERC 593 --to the left as you come 
out of elevators--3pm-4pm).


ps: Thanks to Chris for agreeing to postpone his presentation at short notice.

pps: Susan--please feel free to forward it to your students.