Due [Mar 27, 2003] Qn 1. (Empirical Homework): See if CHAFF solver changed the dynamics between Blakbox and GP-CSP since 2000. Basically, compare GP-CSP and Blackbox (with CHAFF solver) on the problems listed in the GP-CSP paper as the ones that GP-CSP does better over Blackbox (e.g. rocket-ext-b and hsp-bw-4). See if the relative performance changes. Look at GP-CSP AIJ paper to find out what were the best settings for it, and use those settings. For Blackbox, use CHAFF solver. In both cases, use just the single solver (no shifting between solvers). Qn 2. Consider the planning graph from Qn III.a (the PG with static interferences alone) in Homework 3. Convert it into CSP encoding. Compare it to the encoding you got in Qn V of Homework 3 (which is a CSP encoding with propagated mutexes). Show that doing 3-consistency enforcement will bring in the additional constraints present in the second encoding (it is enough if you show the derivation of one of the additional constraints) Qn 3. Consider our old problem (Problem III from previous homework) again There are two actions: A1 and A2 A1: prec: p eff: q A2 prec: r eff: ~q,w We start with init state where p and r are true. **and our goals are q and w. 3.a. Write the 2-step SAT encoding based on progression proof (write all the constraints) 3.b. Write the 2-step SAT encoding based on the regression proof. 3.c. Write the 2-step SAT encoding based on the causal proof.