CSE 574 Planning & Learning Methods in AI Spring 2003 Midterm Given: Thursday, [Apr 3, 2003] Due: [Apr 10, 2003] (Shouldn't really take more than April 8th.] Please answer all questions. Please make sure that your answers are written in a legible hand writing. You are allowed to read as many papers, notes, web-pages as you want. But, you are NOT ALLOWED to discuss the exam with anyone else. Direct all requests for clarifications to rao@asu.edu Qn I Short answer questions. Please answer as concisely as possible. Content is way more important than the length of your answer. Each question carries 5 points unless otherwise stated. 1. [5] We discussed in the class that planning is P-space complete (in that it is the hardest problem that is solvable with polynomial amount of space). We also know that P-space complete is considered to be a higher level of computational hardness than NP-completeness. And yet, we have been able to pose planning as a SAT problem, where SAT is just NP-complete. Why is this not inconsistent? 2. [5]The SAT encodings have axioms for stating some rather zany things. For example, in the linear encoding, we have an axiom saying that at least one action will occur at each level. Why do we need to add such "darned obvious" axioms to the encoding? 3. [5] RePOP, in contrast to normal partial order planners, maintains disjunctive ordering constraints. Think of two extreme cases one in which RePOP strategy is much better and the other in which it is much worse. 4. [5] Compare and contrast "Page replacement strategies" in operating systems to the "Nogood maintenance" strategies in explanation-based learning. 5. [5] Suppose a CSP problem with n variables is strongly n-consistent (i.e., it is 1-consistent, 2-consistent, etc upto n-consistent). Show (argue) that this problem can always be solved with a backtrack-free search. 6. [5] Why is it feasible to handle actions with disjunctive preconditions and conditional effects within classical planning framework but not actions with disjunctive effects? In particular, aren't conditional effects really "disjunctive effects" (given that A=>B is the same as ~A V B ?) 7. [5] Why is it said that "classical frame axioms" make it impossible to support parallel actions in the solution? Can you think of a way you can extend the classical frame axioms so you can support parallel actions? 8.[5] Why is growing a (serial) planning graph of length k cheaper than growing the progression search tree to depth k? Explain both in terms of time and space. 9.[5] Explain how the notions of "completeness" and "soundness" of a planner change in the case of knowledge-based planning. 10.[10] For each of the pairs of planners A vs. B below, give one reason why A could be better and one reason why B could be better. One reason each will be enough. No need to write long paragraphs. --Progression planners vs. Regression planners --State space vs. Plan-space planners --Graphplan with direct graph search vs. Graphplan with CSP/SAT compilation --Domain independent vs. Knowledge-based planners --Planners using "lifted" actions vs. planners using "ground" actions Qn II [45] THE BIG PROBLEM Consider the following simple planning problem: Operator A1 prec: L Eff: P A21 Eff: Q, ~L A22 Eff: Q, ~J A3 Prec: J Eff: R A41 Prec: P,Q Eff: G1 A42 Prec: Q,R Eff: G2 Init: L, J Eff: G1, G2 Part A.[10] Show (1)[2] first level of a progression planner's search (2)[2] first level of a regression planner's search (3)[6] a trace of how a partial order planner finds the solution for this problem. You need to show one solution path, and at each node on the solution path, the other branches that were left pending. part B.[10] 1. [5] Show the planning graph (as built by standard graphplan) for 2 levels. 2. [4] Show how Graphplan searches this graph trying to find a solution. (Please make your trace elaborate enough that I can understand that you understand the details of Graphplan operation.) 3. [1] How does your answer above demonstrate that Graphplan finds only a *subset* of 2-sized mutexes? Part C[10]. With respect to the planning graph in Part B, for each of the following heuristics, give the heuristic cost given to the set {G1,G2} by that heuristic, and indicate whether it under-estimates, over-estimates, or exact-estimates the true cost. 1. h_ind, 2. h_max, 3. h_level, 4. h_relaxed_plan_length 5. h_adjsum. Part D.[5] Take the planning graph constructed in part B, and Convert it into a (standard) CSP encoding. Part E.[10] For the problem above, write a 2-step SAT causal encoding. -----end---------