CSE 574 Code Repository |
Planner. AltAlt system is a domain-independent planner based on a combination of Graphplan and heuristic state space search technology. Currently, the executable code is available for Unix (Solaris 5.8) and Windows (2000&XP). If you need the source code or a Linux executable file please contact me. Windows version: For this particular version you will need at least the Cygwin DLL dynamic library to run the planner. Observe that you may not need to install the whole Cygwin package, although it is a very useful utility to have. After downloading and unzipping the planner and the .dll library, modify your Path environment variable to include the directories where you put the files. Unix version: Download and unzip the file. Modify your Path variable to include the AltAlt directory. Usage instructions: Running the planner without any parameters will give you a short usage description, just type: altalt The default mode will be: altalt domain-file.pddl problem-file.pddl Running with some heuristics: altalt domain-file.pddl problem-file.pddl HCOMBO Outputting the results to a file: altalt domain-file.pddl problem-file.pddl HCOMBO -of results.txt Executable Code: Additional Links: Visit the AltAlt web page if you are interested in this project. FF: Windows and Solaris For details visit the FF page. STAN: Windows and Solaris. For details visit the STAN page GP-CSP: Windows and Solaris. For details visit the GP-CSP Page BLACKBOX: Windows. Check the Planner WebPage VHPOP: Windows and Solaris. More details @ its HomePage LPG: Linux and Unix Executables only Sapa: Source Code (Java) Logistics Domain from AIPS 2000. Blocks World Domain from AIPS 2000. Schedule Domain from AIPS 2000. DriverLog Domain from AIPS 2002. Domains come with a subset of their original problems. Domains related to Homework 4, Question 1. Rocket Rocket Domain and problem. HSP BW Parallel BW domain from HSP. DriverLog Domain from AIPS 2002. Satellite Domain from AIPS 2002. Contact. For any comments on the code or questions about the planners contact to: Or, if you have any general questions regarding the class topics please feel free to contact me during my unofficial office hours: Tuesdays/Thursday from 2:00 pm to 2:55 pm (room GWC 387). Please, call me to 480-965-2735 before coming. |